Dossa belongs to Forest Canopy Ecology Research group. This group aims to understand how biodiversity is spatiotemporally structured by stochastic processes, and biotic and abiotic factors. We investigate intra- and interspecific interactions of organisms at individual, species and community levels, which give rise to and govern complex food-webs and ecosystem functions such as herbivory, pollination and decomposition. Our group capitalizes on a network of Chinese canopy cranes to explore the frontiers of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the canopy, an unexplored realm of forest (see [Research](research)).
We are located at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (XTBG-CAS), which belongs to tropical China a gate door to Tropical East Asia.
**We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team** [(more info)](/vacancies) **!**
We are grateful for funding from Yunnan Government, [Science and Technology department]( and the [CAS President International Fellowship Intitiative (PIFI)](, and from an [National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) ](, as well as continuous support from XTBG.
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1. October 2021
We have successfully finalised the first reproducible science workshop. Reprodcible Science 2021 -- Thanks to attendees! We hope you learned a lot.
2. October 2021
The 13th AFEC-X fieldcourse was opened. AFEC-X-2021 -- welcome to attendees!
3. March 2021
Dossa first author publication got publised in Soil Biology and Biochemistry and then featured in the blog of world agroforestry centre Fungi in wood decay -- Congratulations to the team!